Places To Visit In Bahamas

With over 700 islands, it can be overwhelming choosing between places to visit in Bahamas. Obviously, at Casa De Bahamas, we think the best island to stay on is Long Island, but we also appreciate many of the other beautiful places to go. Each and every island or cay has its own ambience and atmosphere. Here, we look at our favorites and what makes these the places to visit in Bahamas on any trip.

Harbor Island

Any person looking to holiday in the Bahamas needs this on their hit list. Any visit to this part of the world without seeing the iconic pink sand on Harbor island is a lost opportunity – though there is more to this island than just pretty beaches. The laid back feel is reflected in some fantastic eateries and the shopping here is also great in some fabulous independent boutiques.


 While Nassau may not be for everyone due to the high octane hotels and cruise liners here resulting in many a tourist, we think it deserves a position on our places to visit in Bahamas list as it has so much on offer there. We love the traditional straw market in particular, but there is something for everyone here. Those after a party or a DJ, will find clubs that are pumping, while families will enjoy the museums – especially the one dedicated to Pirates!


Andros is often known for being the largest island in the Bahamas, but there’s more to it than just sheer size. A massive draw for its guests is the world class bone fishing that is available, so it is hugely popular for those that are part time anglers. It is also home to a vast number of blue holes for some great diving but also purely as jaw dropping natural wonders. Additionally, as befitting the largest island in the Bahamas, there is a wide range of restaurants and beach side cafes for those that like to have a long lunch over a beer or glass of wine.


Eleuthera almost encircles Harbor Island and is the longest island in the whole of the Bahamas. Whilst it is often spoken about in the same breath as Harbor Island, we rate it as one of the places to visit in Bahamas because of its pineapple fields and quaint villages. It still manages to remain low key despite a huge amount of luxurious upscale hotels that have popped up here. The famous Glass Window bridge is also here which is where the Atlantic meets the Caribbean sea.

Long Island

Finally, Long island, of course, has a spot on our places to visit in Bahamas list. We love it, not only because of Casa De Bahamas or its close proximity to Nassau for its international airport, but also for its sheer natural beauty. It has calm beaches, spectacular shorelines and hard to beat coral reefs that are fantastic for diving and snorkeling alike. There is something for everyone here in terms of activities, but it remains a very tranquil spot. It quite simply is the must do island on any trip here.