Bahamas snorkeling

Anyone who books a holiday to the Bahamas needs to ensure that they get their Bahamas snorkeling time in. Without doubt, it is one of the best things to do in the Bahamas and no trip to this part of the world is complete without doing so. Here are just a few reasons why Bahamas snorkeling is so well revered around the globe.


The waters are so clear that Bahamas snorkeling is some of the best in the world. Being able to see due to the incredible visibility is such a treat for any experienced snorkelers but it also makes snorkeling here fantastic for beginners as clear waters make the activity so easy. When you can see what you are looking at clearly, snorkeling soon becomes an addictive hobby.

Wild Life

Given the warm waters and the huge amount of coral reef surrounding all of the islands in the Bahamas, the result is that there is a corresponding amount of different wildlife to see here. From seaweed and plant life itself to brightly colored fish and even some reef sharks. There is never a shortage of things to see underwater. Those that have done some Bahamas snorkeling in their time will all attest to just how colorful it is in the sea. It really is a sight to behold.


Due to the vast expanse of land that the 700 island and cays take up, Bahamas snorkeling is geologically fascinating. The underwater landscape has a huge variation across the whole of the Bahamas so it is possible to have a very different snorkeling experience every day of a holiday here – if you so choose. On Long Island, where Casa De Bahamas is located we have lots of shallow bays and sandy beaches for beginners. Towards the southern end of the island the sea cliffs make for a more challenging snorkeling experience.

Swimming Pigs

While you don’t necessarily need to snorkel to see the world famous swimming pigs of the Bahamas – it would be a shame to pass up any opportunity to swim with them and doing so whilst snorkeling can make the experience even better. Big Major Cay is where the swimming pigs can be easily found which many tourist operators will pass through on a boat tour of the Exuma Cays. It is well worth taking a snorkel along on such a trip.

Easy Swimming

It is easily forgotten that to really enjoy snorkeling, you need to be able to swim first. One of the great things about Bahamas snorkeling, especially in our own private bay at Casa De Bahamas, is that the sea is exceptionally calm here. The result is that swimming is very easy and therefore snorkeling is possible for even the weakest of swimmers. As such, it is the perfect location to build up any swimmer’s confidence – be they a youngster or a much older guest at the house. Plus, snorkeling in calm waters is great at teaching people to float too, which in turn improves their swimming technique for the future.