Bahamas Beach House

Renting a Bahamas beach house is a must do when you visit this part of the world. Whilst staying in a hotel may be the first idea you have when arranging a holiday here, a house on the beach is a much better option for so many reasons.

Value for Money

Without doubt, staying in a Bahamas beach house like ours, is much better value for money than staying in any hotel. Even if the price per night at a hotel is cheaper than somewhere like Casa De Bahamas, overall it is often cheaper to stay at a rental over a hotel. At hotels, the added extras really do start to add up – even when staying somewhere on an all inclusive basis. The mark up at hotels is simply so much that guests pay through the nose for even the smallest of items or amenities.


Even at the largest hotels, guests simply do not get the same feeling of space as they do when renting a house like ours. Casa De Bahamas has its own private beach with an exceptionally wide frontage. The result is that while our house can hold up to 8 people, it never feels cramped or busy – like many of the hotels around the Bahamas do. For a similar price per night, if not cheaper, it makes sense to get far more space for your buck.


Even at the best hotels, the food can either be disappointing or become a bit samey over the course of a holiday – especially at places where guests are staying full board or all inclusive. When renting a Bahamas beach house, guests do not run into this problem. That is because the option to self cater is always there in addition to frequenting a different restaurant every night – even if those restaurants are at hotels themselves. The variety is what makes staying in a self catering establishment a much more inviting option. Plus, if you are staying in to eat, there’s no need to dress in anything more than shorts and a t shirt!

Alone Time

When people dream of getting away to the Bahamas – they often imagine themselves alone on a pristine white beach looking out to the beautiful turquoise blue sea. They do not imagine themselves cosied up to a stranger on a sunbed about a foot away from them. This is the reality of so many different hotels in the Bahamas which is what makes staying in a Bahamas beach house a much more attractive idea. The ability to be alone is always a possibility here which makes for a far more relaxing time.

Rent Bahamas Beach House Now

And that really is the crux of the matter. The majority of people coming to the Bahamas want to get away from their busy lives and hectic work schedules. For so many of the guests at Casa De Bahamas, that means getting away from people themselves too. That’s what makes our Bahamas beach house such a fantastic getaway – not only is it well maintained and in a fantastic location, it’s exceptionally good value for money too. So when you want to escape from the daily grind, this is the place to go.